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4-Port Hard-Line Tap, 1 GHz, Power Passing Tap

4-Port Hard-Line Tap, 1 GHz, Power Passing Tap
Price: $8.95

Tap Value8 db ; 11 db ; 14 db ; 17 db ; 20 db ; 23 db ; 26 db ; 29 db ; 32 db

Availability: Ships in 1 to 3 Days
Weight: 2 lb

GHT4-*P 4-Port Hard-Line Tap, 1 GHz, Power Passing Tap 

Hard-line multi taps provide excellent bi-directional compatibility, low insertion loss, and high port-to-port isolation. Designed for compatibility with 30, 60, and 90 VAC systems, with current capacity up to 15A. The 15 psi weatherproof seal , epoxy finish, and neoprene sealed covers provide outstanding environmental protection. Available in a variety of configurations to suit your application needs.

Interchangeable Covers & Circuitry (2&4 Port)
Corrosion Resistant 360 Aluminum Case
Neoprene Weather Sealed Cover
Plastic Component Covers for Additional
Protection of Circuitry During Handling
Weather Resistant Baked-On Epoxy Finish
Captive Stainless Steel Hardware
Maximum RFI Integrity
Brass, Neoprene Sealed F-Ports

Specification Sheet
Spec Sheet: Hardline Taps & Splitters Spec Sheet
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