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45G Tower Accessories

45G Main Straight Tower Section Bolt Kit 45JBK

ROHN Bolt Kit for Joining 45G Tower Section R-45JBK
Manufacturer Code: 45JBK
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ROHN 45AG Tower Top Cap Section Bolt Kit 45AJBK

ROHN 45AG Tower Top Cap Section Bolt Kit R-45AJBK
Manufacturer Code: 45AJBK
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ROHN Tower ACWS Anti-Climb Warning Sign - ACWS

ROHN Tower ACWS Anti Climb Warning Sign
Manufacturer Code: ACWS
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ROHN 25AG 45AG Section Tower Bushing R-TB50

ROHN 25G 1.25 inch Tower Bushing for 25AG 45AG Tower Top Cap Section R-TB50
Manufacturer Code: TB50
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ROHN 45G 55G Heavy Duty Thrust Bearing R-TB4

ROHN R-TB4 Thrust Bearing
Manufacturer Code: TB4
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ROHN AB45G Amateur Bearing For 45AG4 and BPL45G

ROHN AB45G Amateur Bearing For 45AG4 and BPL45G
Manufacturer Code: AB45G
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ROHN 45G Top Cap Thrust Bearing Plate BPL45G

ROHN R-BPL45G Thrust Bearing Plate
Manufacturer Code: BPL45G
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ROHN 45G Assembly Plate Top Beacon Plate APL45G

ROHN 45G Assembly Plate Top Beacon Plate APL45G
Manufacturer Code: APL45G
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ROHN 45G Tower Concrete Base Plate BPC45G

ROHN 45G Concrete Base Plate R-BPC45G
Manufacturer Code: BPC45G
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ROHN 45G Self Support Base Plate 45GSSB

ROHN 45G Self Support Base Plate 45GSSB
Manufacturer Code: 45GSSB
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ROHN 45G Tower Hinged Base Plate BPH45G

ROHN 45G Tower Hinged Base Plate R-BPH45G
Manufacturer Code: BPH45G
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ROHN Tower Concrete Base Plate Pier Pin R-3/4X12PP

ROHN 25G 45G Tower Concrete Base Plate Pier Pin R-3/4X12PP
Manufacturer Code: 3/4X12PP
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ROHN 45G Tower Base For Flat Roof Mount FR45G

ROHN 45G Tower Base For Flat Roof Mount R-FR45G
Manufacturer Code: FR45G
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ROHN 45G Tower Guy Bracket Assembly GA45GD

ROHN 45G Tower Guy Bracket Assembly R-GA45GD
Manufacturer Code: GA45GD
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ROHN 45G Torque Bars for Use with Guy Bracket TB45D

ROHN 45G Torque Bars for Use with Guy Bracket
Manufacturer Code: TB45D
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ROHN 45G Tower Torque Arm Stabilizer Assembly TA45

ROHN 45G Tower Torque Arm Stabilizer Assembly R-TA45
Manufacturer Code: TA45
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ROHN 25G 45G Tower Safety Ring Attachment R-SR245

ROHN 25G 45G Tower Safety Ring Attachment R-SR245
Manufacturer Code: SR245
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ROHN 45G Tower Work Platform Attachment WP45G

ROHN 45G Tower Work Platform Attachment R-WP45G
Manufacturer Code: WP45G
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ROHN 45G 55G Anti-Climb Base Tower Section Panels R-ACL455

ROHN 45G 55G (3) Anti-Climb Base Tower Section Panels R-455ACL3
Manufacturer Code: ACL455
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ROHN Universal Leg Mid Level Beacon Mount R-APL1258UM

ROHN Beacon Mount R-APL1258UM
Manufacturer Code: APL1258UM
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ROHN 65g Top Plate Mount KC970 

ROHN 65g Top Plate Mount KC970 
Manufacturer Code: KC970
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ROHNJACK G Series Tower Assembly & Disassembly Tool

Manufacturer Code: RohnJack
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Rohn GB45D 45G Guy Bracket 2" X .38"

Rohn GB45D 45G Guy Bracket 2" X .38"
Manufacturer Code: GA45D
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ROHN Products, LLC manufactures a Variety of Compatible Galvanized Steel Base-Plates to Facilitate Installation of your ROHN 45G Tower onto any Type of Foundation Requirement you may have. Foundation and Base Plate Engineering Documentation Provided by ROHN is available here as a Resource, but is by no means complete by itself or a susbstitution for Engineering Conducted Specific to your Application. When Selecting a Base Plate for Your ROHN 45G Tower that will affix to an existing Structure or Foundation, please evaluate that Structure or Foundation as being conducive to the Plan you envision. As always, Consult your Local Structural Engineer, Building Code and NEC for guidance to Properly Installing and Grounding your ROHN 45G Tower Installation.

ROHN Products, LLC manufactures Mounting Brackets to Attach to, and derive Support from, other Load Bearing Structures in the immediate vicinity of your ROHN 45G Tower in both Self-Supporting and Guyed Installations. These 45G Brackets are all Solid Galvanized Steel and could possibly convey considerable Load to the Structures of which they are attached. Assure yourself through Investigation that the Structure you wish to Bracket to will handle the ROHN 45G Tower's Load transferred to it as is, or can be Supplemented in some Engineered fashion as to match and counter the Load applied. As always, Consult your Local Structural Engineer and Building Code for guidance.

ROHN Products, LLC manufactures Mounts to Facilitate Attachment of Popular Antenna Designs for a Multitude of Applications, including but not limited to; Wireless Internet, Amateur Radio, Cellular Telephone, SCADA, Telemetry, PCS, Microwave Point to Point, Microwave Point to Multi-Point, MDS, MMDS, Broadcast, Off-Air TV, Satellite TV, DBS, WI-FI, Business Band or CB Antenna Installations. Most Antenna Mounts and Top Cap Section Design differences involve the Diameter and Length of the Masting used, or to be applied for Use with the Particular Antenna Dimensions and Wind Loading involved. Wind Loading, Antenna Loading and Wind Survivability ratings vs. Height Documentation Provided by ROHN is available here as a Resource, but is by no means complete by itself or a susbstitution for Engineering Conducted Specific to your Application. Contact Us with any Questions you may have regarding Use prior to Purchase.

All Information regarding the ROHN 45G Tower line, Parts and Accessories is as accurate and complete as we can possibly provide given that this Resource Offering is subject to change without Notice and is beyond Our Control.

ROHN 45G Buyers Guide

ROHN 45G Buyers Guide

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This Buyers Guide will answer many questions you may have on this Product Line. For more detailed information and Specification Sheets covering many aspects of Various Parts, Accessories and Installation Scenarios... Please refer to the "ROHN 45G Tower" Link appearing in the Footer of this Page Below!